San Juanico, Sea of Cortez, Baja Mexico

  • 26º 22.225 N 111º 25.716 E
Created on 2020-09-02 00:00:00.0
Anchorage Facts
Depth meters
Bottom Type Rock

San Juanico, Sea of Cortez, Baja Mexico is an awesome anchorage where you can hike, run, paddle, swim etc. for days without feeling like you've seen enough and need to move on.  If you're lucky, you'll be around for Shipwreck, a beach party put on by Tom, a local resident, for the cruisers, complete with pig roast and professional band. The two day party takes place around the first week of May each year and sail and power boats start arriving early to ensure a spot in the bay.  When trying to elbow your way in to set anchor, the only thing to be aware of aside from normal anchoring etiquette is to stay away from the north east most anchorage listed in Sea of Cortez: A Cruiser's Guidebook by Shawn Breeding and Heather Bansmer. This guide, by the way, is priceless and an absolute must if cruising around the Sea of Cortez. We arrived for shipwreck and had several good places to anchor but was lulled into taking a spot at 111° 25.716' W 26° 22.225' N per the guide.  Two days later it was time to go but the anchor chain was wrapped several times around a rock.  After a couple of free dives we were good to go knowing not to anchor at that spot again as the sea floor is covered with huge rocks making it unlikely that your chain would not to get caught up on one.

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