Terempa, Anambas

  • 3º 13.151 N 106º 13.150 E
Created on 2023-10-03 00:00:00.0
Anchorage Facts
Depth 20 meters
Bottom Type Sand

Terempa is the largest town in the Anambas and a good place for provisioning. A new causeway, built in 2022 connects the town to a large new mosque on the NE approach to the town.  The causeway makes many anchorages recorded before 2022 on Navionics for example, no longer suitable.

Best anchorage is found approximately 100m off the causeway in 20 meters on sand.  Good holding.  Watch the depth sounder to find a flat expanse of sand and to avoid coral.

  • CIQP building is clearly visible from the anchorage
  • Diesel and petrol available
  • Excellent 4g coverage with Telkomsel
  • Good fruit and veg Market in Middle of town. Small supply on main street plus many other small general stores.
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